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Implementation of the FoLiA document format (C++ headers)


FoLiA is an XML-based format for Linguistic Annotation suitable for representing written language resources such as corpora. Its goal is to unify a variety of linguistic annotations in one single rich format, without committing to any particular standard annotation set. Instead, it seeks to accommodate any desired system or tagset, and so offer maximum flexibility. This makes FoLiA language independent. see for more information.

libfolia is a product of the Centre of Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), it was previously developed at the ILK Research Group, Tilburg University. Work on libfolia is funded by NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, in the scope of projects like CLARIN-NL and CLARIAH.

This package provides the folialint tool used to validate FoLiA XML files.

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