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Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes (Python3 version)


A Python module to parse, validate and reformat standard numbers and codes in different formats.

Currently this package supports the following formats:

 * NRT (Número de Registre Tributari, Andorra tax number)
 * NIPT, NUIS (Numri i Identifikimit për Personin e Tatueshëm,
   Albanian tax number)
 * CBU (Clave Bancaria Uniforme, Argentine bank account number)
 * CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria, Argentinian tax number)
 * DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad, Argentinian national identity nr.)
 * Austrian Company Register Numbers
 * Postleitzahl (Austrian postal code)
 * Abgabenkontonummer (Austrian tax identification number)
 * UID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer, Austrian VAT number)
 * VNR, SVNR, VSNR (Versicherungsnummer, Austrian social security number)
 * ABN (Australian Business Number)
 * ACN (Australian Company Number)
 * TFN (Australian Tax File Number)
 * BIS (Belgian BIS number)
 * Belgian IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
 * NN, NISS, RRN (Belgian national number)
 * BTW, TVA, NWSt, ondernemingsnummer (Belgian enterprise number)
 * EGN (ЕГН, Единен граждански номер, Bulgarian personal identity codes)
 * PNF (ЛНЧ, Личен номер на чужденец, Bulgarian number of a foreigner)
 * VAT (Идентификационен номер по ДДС, Bulgarian VAT number)
 * BIC (ISO 9362 Business identifier codes)
 * Bitcoin address
 * CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, Brazilian company identifier)
 * CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas, Brazilian national identifier)
 * УНП, UNP (Учетный номер плательщика, the Belarus VAT number)
 * BC PHN (British Columbia Personal Health Number)
 * BN (Canadian Business Number)
 * SIN (Canadian Social Insurance Number)
 * CAS RN (Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number)
 * CFI (ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instruments)
 * ESR, ISR, QR-reference (reference number on Swiss payment slips)
 * Swiss social security number ("Sozialversicherungsnummer")
 * UID (Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer, Swiss business identifier)
 * VAT, MWST, TVA, IVA, TPV (Mehrwertsteuernummer, the Swiss VAT number)
 * RUT (Rol Único Tributario, Chilean national tax number)
 * RIC No. (Chinese Resident Identity Card Number)
 * USCC (Unified Social Credit Code, 统一社会信用代码, China tax number)
 * NIT (Número De Identificación Tributaria, Colombian identity code)
 * CPF (Cédula de Persona Física, Costa Rica physical person ID number)
 * CPJ (Cédula de Persona Jurídica, Costa Rica tax number)
 * CR (Cédula de Residencia, Costa Rica foreigners ID number)
 * NI (Número de identidad, Cuban identity card numbers)
 * CUSIP number (financial security identification number)
 * Αριθμός Εγγραφής Φ.Π.Α. (Cypriot VAT number)
 * Czech bank account number
 * DIČ (Daňové identifikační číslo, Czech VAT number)
 * RČ (Rodné číslo, the Czech birth number)
 * Handelsregisternummer (German company register number)
 * IdNr (Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer, German personal tax number)
 * St.-Nr. (Steuernummer, German tax number)
 * Ust ID Nr. (Umsatzsteur Identifikationnummer, German VAT number)
 * Wertpapierkennnummer (German securities identification code)
 * CPR (personnummer, the Danish citizen number)
 * CVR (Momsregistreringsnummer, Danish VAT number)
 * Cedula (Dominican Republic national identification number)
 * NCF (Números de Comprobante Fiscal, Dominican Republic receipt number)
 * RNC (Registro Nacional del Contribuyente, Dominican Republic tax number)
 * NIF, sometimes N.I.F. (Numéro d'Identification Fiscale, Algeria tax number)
 * EAN (International Article Number)
 * CI (Cédula de identidad, Ecuadorian personal identity code)
 * RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Ecuadorian company tax number)
 * Isikukood (Estonian Personal ID number)
 * KMKR (Käibemaksukohuslase, Estonian VAT number)
 * Registrikood (Estonian organisation registration code)
 * Tax Registration Number (الرقم الضريبي, Egypt tax number)
 * CCC (Código Cuenta Corriente, Spanish Bank Account Code)
 * CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal, Spanish company tax number)
 * CUPS (Código Unificado de Punto de Suministro, Spanish meter point number)
 * DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad, Spanish personal identity codes)
 * Spanish IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
 * NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero, Spanish foreigner number)
 * NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal, Spanish VAT number)
 * Postcode (the Spanish postal code)
 * Referencia Catastral (Spanish real estate property id)
 * SEPA Identifier of the Creditor (AT-02)
 * Euro banknote serial numbers
 * EC Number (European Community number)
 * EIC (European Energy Identification Code)
 * NACE (classification for businesses in the European Union)
 * OSS (European VAT on e-Commerce - One Stop Shop)
 * VAT (European Union VAT number)
 * ALV nro (Arvonlisäveronumero, Finnish VAT number)
 * Finnish Association Identifier
 * HETU (Henkilötunnus, Finnish personal identity code)
 * Veronumero (Finnish individual tax number)
 * Y-tunnus (Finnish business identifier)
 * FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)
 * V-number (Vinnutal, Faroe Islands tax number)
 * NIF (Numéro d'Immatriculation Fiscale, French tax identification number)
 * NIR (French personal identification number)
 * SIREN (a French company identification number)
 * SIRET (a French company establishment identification number)
 * n° TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, French VAT number)
 * NHS (United Kingdom National Health Service patient identifier)
 * SEDOL number (Stock Exchange Daily Official List number)
 * UPN (English Unique Pupil Number)
 * UTR (United Kingdom Unique Taxpayer Reference)
 * VAT (United Kingdom (and Isle of Man) VAT registration number)
 * TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number, Ghana tax number)
 * NIFp (Numéro d'Identification Fiscale Permanent, Guinea tax number)
 * AMKA (Αριθμός Μητρώου Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης, Greek social security number)
 * FPA, ΦΠΑ, ΑΦΜ (Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου, the Greek VAT number)
 * GRid (Global Release Identifier)
 * GS1-128 (Standard to encode product information in Code 128 barcodes)
 * NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria, Guatemala tax number)
 * OIB (Osobni identifikacijski broj, Croatian identification number)
 * ANUM (Közösségi adószám, Hungarian VAT number)
 * IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
 * NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, Indonesian VAT Number)
 * PPS No (Personal Public Service Number, Irish personal number)
 * VAT (Irish tax reference number)
 * Company Number (מספר חברה, or short ח.פ. Israeli company number)
 * Identity Number (Mispar Zehut, מספר זהות, Israeli identity number)
 * IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
 * IMO number (International Maritime Organization number)
 * IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)
 * Aadhaar (Indian personal identity number)
 * EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card, Indian Voter ID)
 * GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax identification number, Indian VAT number)
 * PAN (Permanent Account Number, Indian income tax identifier)
 * VID (Indian personal virtual identity number)
 * Kennitala (Icelandic personal and organisation identity code)
 * VSK number (Virðisaukaskattsnúmer, Icelandic VAT number)
 * ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)
 * ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
 * ISIL (International Standard Identifier for Libraries)
 * ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)
 * ISMN (International Standard Music Number)
 * ISO 11649 (Structured Creditor Reference)
 * ISO 6346 (International standard for container identification)
 * ISRC (International Standard Recording Code)
 * ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
 * AIC (Italian code for identification of drugs)
 * Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code for individuals)
 * Partita IVA (Italian VAT number)
 * CN (法人番号, hōjin bangō, Japanese Corporate Number)
 * PIN (Personal Identification Number, Kenya tax number)
 * BRN (사업자 등록 번호, South Korea Business Registration Number)
 * RRN (South Korean resident registration number)
 * LEI (Legal Entity Identifier)
 * PEID (Liechtenstein tax code for individuals and entities)
 * Asmens kodas (Lithuanian, personal numbers)
 * PVM (Pridėtinės vertės mokestis mokėtojo kodas, Lithuanian VAT number)
 * TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Luxembourgian VAT number)
 * PVN (Pievienotās vērtības nodokļa, Latvian VAT number)
 * ICE (Identifiant Commun de l’Entreprise, التعريف الموحد للمقاولة,
   Morocco tax number)
 * MAC address (Media Access Control address)
 * n° TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Monacan VAT number)
 * IDNO (Moldavian company identification number)
 * Montenegro IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
 * PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj, Montenegro tax number)
 * MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier)
 * ЕДБ (Едниствен Даночен Број, North Macedonia tax number)
 * VAT (Maltese VAT number)
 * ID number (Mauritian national identifier)
 * CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población, Mexican personal ID)
 * RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes, Mexican tax number)
 * NRIC No. (Malaysian National Registration Identity Card Number)
 * BRIN number (the Dutch school identification number)
 * BSN (Burgerservicenummer, the Dutch citizen identification number)
 * Btw-identificatienummer (Omzetbelastingnummer, the Dutch VAT number)
 * Onderwijsnummer (the Dutch student identification number)
 * Postcode (the Dutch postal code)
 * Fødselsnummer (Norwegian birth number, the national identity number)
 * Norwegian IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
 * Konto nr. (Norwegian bank account number)
 * MVA (Merverdiavgift, Norwegian VAT number)
 * Orgnr (Organisasjonsnummer, Norwegian organisation number)
 * New Zealand bank account number
 * IRD number (New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (Te Tari Tāke) number)
 * CUI (Cédula Única de Identidad, Peruvian identity number)
 * RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Peruvian company tax number)
 * CNIC number (Pakistani Computerised National Identity Card number)
 * NIP (Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej, Polish VAT number)
 * PESEL (Polish national identification number)
 * REGON (Rejestr Gospodarki Narodowej, Polish register of economic units)
 * CC (Número de Cartão de Cidadão, Portuguese Identity number)
 * NIF (Número de identificação fiscal, Portuguese VAT number)
 * RUC number (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Paraguay tax number)
 * CF (Cod de înregistrare în scopuri de TVA, Romanian VAT number)
 * CNP (Cod Numeric Personal, Romanian Numerical Personal Code)
 * CUI or CIF (Codul Unic de Înregistrare, Romanian company identifier)
 * ONRC (Ordine din Registrul Comerţului, Romanian Trade Register identifier)
 * PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj, Serbian tax identification number)
 * ИНН (Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика, Russian tax identifier)
 * Orgnr (Organisationsnummer, Swedish company number)
 * Personnummer (Swedish personal identity number)
 * Postcode (the Swedish postal code)
 * VAT (Moms, Mervärdesskatt, Swedish VAT number)
 * UEN (Singapore's Unique Entity Number)
 * ID za DDV (Davčna številka, Slovenian VAT number)
 * Enotna matična številka občana (Unique Master Citizen Number)
 * Matična številka poslovnega registra (Corporate Registration Number)
 * IČ DPH (IČ pre daň z pridanej hodnoty, Slovak VAT number)
 * RČ (Rodné číslo, the Slovak birth number)
 * COE (Codice operatore economico, San Marino national tax number)
 * NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria, El Salvador tax number)
 * MOA (Thailand Memorandum of Association Number)
 * PIN (Thailand Personal Identification Number)
 * TIN (Thailand Taxpayer Identification Number)
 * MF (Matricule Fiscal, Tunisia tax number)
 * T.C. Kimlik No. (Turkish personal identification number)
 * VKN (Vergi Kimlik Numarası, Turkish tax identification number)
 * UBN (Unified Business Number, 統一編號, Taiwanese tax number)
 * ЄДРПОУ, EDRPOU (Identifier for enterprises and organizations in Ukraine)
 * РНОКПП, RNTRC (Individual taxpayer registration number in Ukraine)
 * ATIN (U.S. Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number)
 * EIN (U.S. Employer Identification Number)
 * ITIN (U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)
 * PTIN (U.S. Preparer Tax Identification Number)
 * RTN (Routing transport number)
 * SSN (U.S. Social Security Number)
 * TIN (U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number)
 * RUT (Registro Único Tributario, Uruguay tax number)
 * VATIN (International value added tax identification number)
 * RIF (Registro de Identificación Fiscal, Venezuelan VAT number)
 * MST (Mã số thuế, Vietnam tax number)
 * ID number (South African Identity Document number)
 * TIN (South African Tax Identification Number)

Furthermore a number of generic check digit algorithms are available:

 * the Verhoeff algorithm
 * the Damm algorithm
 * the Luhn and Luhn mod N algorithms
 * some algorithms described in ISO/IEC 7064: Mod 11, 2, Mod 37, 2,
   Mod 97, 10, Mod 11, 10 and Mod 37, 36

This package contains the Python 3 version of the library.

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