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Standard solid-state pseudopotentials (SSSP) library
The convergence pattern of each element includes for each of the considered family: - the total number of electrons in the valence, Z;
- delta value (the error in the equation of state compared with
all-electron WIEN2k results, developed by Cottenier group), at full
converged cutoff;
- the largest phonon frequency, ωmax, at the zone boundary (as a
number), at full cutoff;
- and then as a function of wave function cutoff:
- the discrepancy of all phonon frequencies, δω̄, at the zone
boundary, with respect to the converged value;
- the convergence of the pressure, δVpress, with respect to the
converged value;
- the convergence of the cohesive energy, δEcoh, with respect to the
converged value;
- the convergence of the bands structure, η10 and max η10 with
respect to the converged value.
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