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prediction and analysis of protein nuclear localization signals
predictnls is a method for the prediction and analysis of protein nuclear
localization signals (NLS). In addition to reporting the positions of
NLSs found, predictnls also gives short statistics.
LaTeX to XML translator
A configurable tool that processes LaTeX source, generating parseable
XML. The XML is based on semantics of the text and can be used to
process the document and convert into other format.
Virtual Organization Membership Service Server
The Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) is an attribute authority
which serves as central repository for VO user authorization information,
providing support for sorting users into group hierarchies, keeping track of
their roles and other attributes in order to issue trusted attribute
certificates and SAML assertions used in the Grid environment for
authorization purposes.
file splitter that uses the hacha file format
HOZ is a file splitter, which uses the same file format as the popular
'Hacha' program.
integer factorization with the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM)
pyecm is a Python program to factor numbers using the Elliptic Curve Method
(ECM). It is relatively fast in that it can quickly factors numbers up to 50
log a program's output to the system log
The stdsyslog utility executes a program, reads everything that it
outputs to a set of file descriptors (by default the standard output
and standard error streams) and logs it to the system log.