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Meta package for Kannada fonts

This package allows you to install all the Kannada fonts available in Debian.


Toolkit for Tcl and X11 (default version) - windowing shell

Tk is a cross-platform graphical toolkit which provides the Motif look-and-feel and is implemented using the Tcl scripting language.


daemon that resides within guest virtual machines

This is the oVirt management agent running inside the guest. The agent interfaces with the oVirt manager, supplying heart-beat info as well as run-time data from within the guest itself. The agent also accepts control commands to be run executed within the OS (like: shutdown and restart).


Free software framework for ludic-therapeutic activities

SITPLUS is a free software (GNU GPL) framework whose main goal is to provide ludic-therapeutic activities for people with disabilities. It offers new forms of interaction based on computer vision, voice and other peripherals to produce a result in the form of image and sound. Inspired by the cause and effect applications, SITPLUS provides a tool for continuous and remote interaction, attainable to the majority of people with cognitive, sensory and physical disabilities.


STM32 chip flashing utility using a serial bootloader

stm32flash is a flashing program for the STM32 ARM processors using the ST serial bootloader compliant with application note AN3155.
KDE Developer package


KDE Developer package