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Japanese OpenType font, IPAex Gothic Font

IPAex Fonts are JIS X 0213:2004 compliant OpenType fonts, suitable for both display and printing.
decorative, sans serif font


decorative, sans serif font

This package provides is a decorative, sans serif font by Gluk.
detection of content format of a disk or disk image


detection of content format of a disk or disk image

The purpose of disktype is to detect the content format of a disk or disk image. It knows about common file systems, partition tables and boot codes. This software can be used for forensics analysis.
tjbench:bottomup, tile, benchtime 91, accuratedct, create "DSC_0270..._full.ppm"


Programs for manipulating JPEG files

This package contains programs for manipulating JPEG files from the libjpeg-turbo JPEG library: * cjpeg/djpeg: convert to/from the JPEG file format * rdjpgcom/wrjpgcom: read/write comments in JPEG files * jpegtran: lossless transformations of JPEG files * jpegexiforient/exifautotran: manipulate EXIF orientation tag * tjbench: a simple JPEG benchmarking tool


3D printer hosts suite

Printrun is a full suite of host interfaces for 3D printers and CNC, consisting of: * printcore, a standalone non-interactive G-Code sender * pronsole, an interactive command-line host * pronterface, a graphical host software with the same functionality as pronsole


Graphical tools for ODBC management and browsing

This package contains three graphical applications for use with unixODBC, the Open DataBase Connectivity suite: ODBCConfig, a graphical configuration tool for managing database drivers and access to individual databases; DataManager, a simple browser and query tool for ODBC databases; and odbctest, a tool for testing the ODBC API itself.