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FreeCAD development files


panel indicator applet - shared library

This library contains information to build indicators to go into the indicator applet.
user management tool for the Plasma workspace


user management tool for the Plasma workspace

A System Settings module for managing users on your system.


RAID 1 over TCP/IP for Linux (user utilities)

Drbd is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters by providing a virtual shared device which keeps disks in nodes synchronised using TCP/IP. This simulates RAID 1 but avoiding the use of uncommon hardware (shared SCSI buses or Fibre Channel). It is currently limited to fail-over HA clusters.
package manager for OCaml


package manager for OCaml

OPAM stands for OCaml PAckage Manager. It aims to suit to a vast number of users and use cases, and has unique features: * Powerful handling of dependencies: versions constraints, optional dependencies, conflicts, etc. * Multiple repositories backends: HTTP, rsync, git * Ease to create packages and repositories * Ability to switch between different compiler versions


SQLite module for php5

This package provides a module allowing you to use the SQLite self-contained database engine from within your PHP scripts, eliminating the need for a full SQL server installation like MySQL or PostgreSQL. It also includes the pdo_sqlite module, for use with the PHP Data Object extension.