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Earth Observation System extensions to HDF4

HDF-EOS4 is a software library designed built on HDF4 to support EOS-specific data structures, namely Grid, Point, and Swath. The new data structures are constructed from standard HDF data objects, using EOS conventions, through the use of a software library [1,4]. A key feature of HDF-EOS files is that instrument-independent services, such as subsetting by geolocation, can be applied to the files across a wide variety of data products. The library is extensible and new data structures can be added.


binary gcode generation library

libbgcode is a library used to generate binary G-code for 3D printers. Binary G-code is a new G-code file format featuring the following improvements over the legacy G-code:


Geometry engine for Geographic Information Systems - C++ Library

GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL. Functions provided include:


UFP Identity library for C applications

This library allows C applications to interact with the UFP Identity service. Use this package if you want to run applications that interact with UFP Identity.


IDZebra libraries

IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input formats (e.g. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries.


Collection of useful code used by robotics apps - AV libraries

Ignition common is a component in the Ignition framework, a set of libraries designed to rapidly develop robot applications. A collection of useful classes and functions for handling many command tasks. This includes parsing 3D mesh files, managing console output, and using PID controllers.