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Declarative native architecture constraint

This is a meta package that can only satisfy a dependency for the native architecture. The native architecture is defined as the architecture of the dpkg package by the Multi-Arch specification. By depending on native-architecture, a client package can prevent its installation for a non-native architecture.


How to package for Debian in German

The information in this book is of particular interest to users of the script. But also people who are generally interested in packaging for a distribution will find information in this book.


Gröbner bases in commutative and non-commutative algebras

Bergman is a powerful tool to calculate Gröbner bases in commutative and non-commutative algebras, and in modules over them. It may also be used to calculate some invariants of algebras and modules: the Hilbert series, and (in the non-commutative case) the Poincaré-Betti series, the Anick resolution, and the Betti numbers.


WebKitGTK WebDriver support

WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and used primarily in Apple's Safari browser. It is made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.


Dependency resolver for Puppetfiles

Resolves the Puppet Modules in a Puppetfile with a full dependency graph, including Puppet version checks.


UEFI Shell for 32-bit x86 architecture

The UEFI Shell provides a command line interface running on top of the EFI API. It can be used to execute EFI binaries, to manage EFI variables and boot options, or to display details of installed devices, drivers, and protocols. This package contains the shellia32.efi binary for the a 32-bit x86 architecture.