This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.


Debian-installer network boot images for mips64el

This package contains images of the Debian Installer for the mips64el architecture.


gnuradio zeromq functions

0MQ messaging library support. Provide network socket endpoints for gnuradio data and message streams. PUB/SUB, PUSH/PULL, REP/REQ models supported.


tool to test Jupyter kernels

jupyter_kernel_test is a tool for testing Jupyter kernels. It tests kernels for successful code execution and conformance with the Jupyter Messaging Protocol (currently 5.0).


QML bindings for libqofono

Shared library for accessing the ofono daemon, and a declarative plugin for it. This allows accessing ofono in qtquick and friends.


LLVM OpenMP runtime

The runtime is the part of the OpenMP implementation that your code is linked against, and that manages the multiple threads in an OpenMP program while it is executing.


Mailing list archiver

public-inbox is a mailing list archiver that provides a searchable web interface, provides the archived mails via git and nntp.