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Stream DSL for writing embedded C programs.; profiling libraries

Copilot is a stream-based runtime verification framework implemented as an embedded domain-specific language (EDSL) in Haskell. Programs can be interpreted for testing, or translated into C99 code to be incorporated in a project, or as a standalone application. The C99 backend output is constant in memory and time, making it suitable for systems with hard realtime requirements.


Extensible Virtual Display Interface driver client library

The Extensible Virtual Display Interface (EVDI) is a Linux kernel module that enables management of multiple screens, allowing user-space programs to take control over what happens with the image. It is essentially a virtual display you can add, remove and receive screen updates for, in an application that uses the libevdi library.


Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic

dnscap is a network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic. It produces binary data in pcap(3) format. This utility is similar to tcpdump(1), but has a number of features tailored to DNS transactions and protocol options.


Automatic Differentiation of C++ algorithms, shared library

CppAD is a package for automatic differentiation (AD) of algorithms written in C++. Given appropriately written C++ code that computes a function, CppAD augments it to also compute derivative values. The system uses templates, supports forward and reverse accumulation modes, and allows nested derivatives.


Push Notifications that work with just about every platform

Allows you to send notifications to more than 70 notification services. With emphasis on: Apprise API, AWS SES, Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, Google Chat, Faast, IFTTT, Matrix, Microsoft Teams etc.


Tornado IOLoop Backed Concurrent Futures

This package provides a way to run Tornado Coroutines from Synchronous Python.