This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
X-ray ray-trace simulation - parallelization scripts
McXtrace is a tool for carrying out highly complex Monte Carlo
ray-tracing simulations of X-ray beamlines to high precision. The
simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of beamlines
and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment,
design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for
e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis.
Python library for querying PyPI
Yarg is a module written in Python that revolves around the PyPI API, making
it possible to perform package searches programmatically. Enabling developers
to search PyPI faster for the latest packages and releases.
GNU R fast extraction from raster datasets using polygons
This GNU R package provides a replacement for the 'extract' function
from the 'raster' package that is suitable for extracting raster values
using 'sf' polygons.
Find inadequately-tested code that can be removed without any tests failing
cargo-mutants is a mutation testing tool for Rust. It helps you improve your
program's quality by finding functions whose body could be replaced without
causing any tests to fail.
Signing service for debusine
Debusine is a general purpose software factory tailored to the needs of a
Debian-based distribution.
Python Random Graph Generator
Pyrgg is an easy-to-use synthetic random graph generator
written in Python which supports various graph file formats
including DIMACS .gr files. Pyrgg has the ability to
generate graphs of different sizes and is designed to
provide input files for broad range of graph-based
research applications, including but not limited to
testing, benchmarking and performance-analysis of graph
processing frameworks.