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Versatile text-based file-manager (yascreen)
vfu is a nice file-manager using the yascreen
library. It has many nice features:
GNU R easy data wrangling
A lightweight GNU R package to easily manipulate, clean,
transform, and prepare your data for analysis. It also forms
the data wrangling backend for the packages in the 'easystats'
implementation of the HyperLogLog cardinality estimation algorithm
Algorithm::HyperLogLog provides an algorithm for estimating the cardinality
of a set.
camv-rnd executable with the core functionality and boxsym-rnd
Includes the data model, the most common action commands, the native
file format. Can be used in headless mode or batch/scripted mode for
automated processing or with GUI (if camv-rnd-lib-gui and librnd GUI
HIDs are installed).
libraries for nautilus components - runtime version
Nautilus is the official file manager and graphical shell for the
GNOME desktop.
library to access LMS7 transceiver based hardware
Lime Suite is a collection of software supporting Lime Microsystems LMS7 RF
transceiver based hardware such as the LimeSDR, LMS7002M UNITE board, or the
Novena with LMS7 RF board.