This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
Font Awesome 6 extension for superqt font icons
The superqt.fonticon module provides a set of utilities for working
with font icons such as Font Awesome or Material Design Icons. This
package provides an extension for Font Awesome 6.
Library to authenticate with Windows Live/Xbox Live
A python library to authenticate with Xbox Live via your Microsoft Account
and provides Xbox related Web-API.
Monkey patch the standard zipfile module to enable Zstandard support
This library monkey patches the zipfile module present in the standard library
to provide zstd compression. It is done by changing the import line and a new
constant to specify the compression algorithm becomes available.
library for system-wide Linux profiler
Sysprof is a sampling CPU profiler that uses a ptrace in Linux kernel to
profile the entire system, not just a single application. Sysprof handles
shared libraries and applications do not need to be recompiled. In fact they
don't even have to be restarted.
Planetary ephemeris data access tools
This package provides the command-line tools provided by the CALCEPH library.
The CALCEPH Library is designed to access planetary ephemeris data, such
INPOPxx and JPL DExxx ephemeris files, and the SPICE kernel (SPK) files.