This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
QGIS - shared app library
QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and
display databases of geographic information.
object graph serialization framework for Java
Kryo is a fast and efficient object graph serialization framework for Java.
The goals of the project are speed, efficiency, and an easy to use API.
The project is useful any time objects need to be persisted, whether to a
file, database, or over the network.
Python 3 bindings for 64-bit SLEPc 3.18 libraries (real numbers)
SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.
customizable graphical process/system monitor for the terminal
bottom (executable name btm)
is a customizable graphical process/system monitor for the terminal,
inspired by gtop, gotop, and htop.
Collection of Nagios plugins to monitor OS, services and network devices
Free and open source project to monitor systems. The project can be
used with Centreon and all monitoring software compatible with Nagios
C++ network programming framework
This package contains the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE)