This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
Parse or serialize any markup format in Python
Parse or serialize any markup. Currently supports INI, JSON,
Symfony SMSFactor Notifier Bridge
The Symfony SMSFactor Notifier Bridge provides SMSFactor integration
for Symfony Notifier.
GNU R kernel density estimation for heaped and rounded data
In self-reported or anonymised data the user often encounters heaped
data, i.e. data which are rounded (to a possibly different degree of
coarseness). While this is mostly a minor problem in parametric density
estimation the bias can be very large for non-parametric methods such as
kernel density estimation. This package implements a partly Bayesian
algorithm treating the true unknown values as additional parameters and
estimates the rounding parameters to give a corrected kernel density
estimate. It supports various standard bandwidth selection methods.
Varying rounding probabilities (depending on the true value) and
asymmetric rounding is estimable as well: Gross, M. and Rendtel, U.
(2016) (<doi:10.1093/jssam/smw011>). Additionally, bivariate non-
parametric density estimation for rounded data, Gross, M. et al. (2016)
(<doi:10.1111/rssa.12179>), as well as data aggregated on areas is
Get and set the nice priorities of PostgreSQL backends
This module implements an interface to getpriority() and setpriority() for
PostgreSQL backends, callable from SQL functions. Essentially, this module
allows users to `renice' their backends.
Haskell interface to the HDF5 scientific data storage library.; profiling librar
This is a low-level but typesafe Haskell interface to the HDF5 library. No pointers necessary.
Lua procedural language for PostgreSQL 14
PL/Lua is an implementation of Lua as a loadable procedural language for
PostgreSQL: with PL/Lua you can use PostgreSQL functions and triggers
written in the Lua programming language.