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simulation tool for acido-basic titrations


simulation tool for acido-basic titrations

python-acidobasic allows you to compose a mixture of acid or base reactives, and to simulate their titration by one acid or base. pH and concentration curves are displaied instantly when the composition of all chemicals are defined. You can choose to display either concentrations or quantities of chemicals.


intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - client

iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
MSN messenger application written in Tcl


MSN messenger application written in Tcl

lightweight crystal structures visualizer


lightweight crystal structures visualizer

GNOME Crystal is a light model visualizer for crystal-structures. It is based on the GNOME Chemistry Utils and should display models of all sorts of crystal microscopic structures using OpenGL.
Control panel to configure remote controls


Control panel to configure remote controls


simulate the evolution of recombinant DNA sequences

DNA Assembly with Gaps (Dawg) is an application designed to simulate the evolution of recombinant DNA sequences in continuous time based on the robust general time reversible model with gamma and invariant rate heterogeneity and a novel length-dependent model of gap formation. The application accepts phylogenies in Newick format and can return the sequence of any node, allowing for the exact evolutionary history to be recorded at the discretion of users. Dawg records the gap history of every lineage to produce the true alignment in the output. Many options are available to allow users to customize their simulations and results.