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framework for developing visual-novel type games - demo

Ren'Py is a programming language and runtime, intended to ease the creation of visual-novel type games. It contains features that make it easy to display thoughts, dialogue, and menus; to display images to the user; to write game logic; and to support the saving and loading of games.
Seamonkey Navigator using KDEs breeze


Seamonkey Navigator (Internet browser) and Composer


module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python

This package provides the Python modules EasyGUI. Experienced Pythonistas need support for quick and dirty GUI features. New Python programmers need GUI capabilities that don't require any knowledge of Tkinter, frames, widgets, callbacks or lambda. This is what EasyGUI provides. Using EasyGUI, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls.
GNUstep app for processing planetary astronomical images

GNUstep app for processing planetary astronomical images

Lynkeos is an application dedicated to the processing of astronomical (mainly planetary) images taken with a webcam through a telescope. By stacking the best images, the signal to noise ratio is increased and details lost in the noise of individual images become visible in the resulting image.
networked version of Tic Tac Toe (3x3 Grid) for the console


networked version of Tic Tac Toe (3x3 Grid) for the console

NetToe is a console-based version of the classic game "Tic Tac Toe". It's playable against computer AI, a player on the same machine or with another player over the network. It uses a simple 3x3 board.


Fast 48k ZX Spectrum Emulator for X11

xspect is the X11 version of Spectemu which emulates the 48k ZX Spectrum, which uses the Z80 microprocessor.