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Meta package to install all Punjabi fonts

This package allows you to install all available Punjabi fonts in Debian.
modem dialer for KDE


modem dialer for KDE

KPPP is a modem dialer for connecting to a dial-up Internet Service Provider. It displays statistics and accounting information to help users keep track of connection costs.


GNU TLS library - main runtime library

GnuTLS is a portable library which implements the Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS 1.0, 1.2) protocols.


JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)

JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves.


Intel Connection Manager daemon

The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible. It is fully modular system that can be extended through plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases.
Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through


Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through

pv (Pipe Viewer) can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.