This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
Cinnamon Session Manager - Minimal runtime
The Cinnamon Session Manager is in charge of starting the core components
of the Cinnamon desktop, and applications that should be launched at
login time. It also features a way to save and restore currently
running applications.
Japanese OpenType font set, all IPA Fonts
IPAFonts are JIS X 0213:2004 compliant OpenType fonts based on TrueType
outlines provided by Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
(IPA) from 2003. These are suitable for both display and printing.
Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- info program
Video Acceleration API (VA API) is a library ("libVA") and API specification
which enables and provides access to graphics hardware (GPU) acceleration for
video processing on Linux and UNIX based operating systems. Accelerated
processing includes video decoding, video encoding, subpicture blending and
rendering. The specification was originally designed by Intel for its GMA
(Graphics Media Accelerator) series of GPU hardware, the API is however not
limited to GPUs or Intel specific hardware, as other hardware and manufacturers
can also freely use this API for hardware accelerated video decoding.
File Roller integration for Nemo
Nemo File Roller is an Nemo extension which allows you to create and extract
archives in Nemo. This extension adds "Extract Here" (for archive files) and
"Compress..." items to the right-click menu.
Open on-chip JTAG/SWD debug solution for embedded target devices
OpenOCD aims to provide debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan
testing for embedded target devices.
Lohit TrueType font for Bengali Language
This package provides Lohit TrueType font for Bengali language which is
primarily used in Indian state of Bengal.