This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
Shareware game files for the 3D game Doom
This is the Shareware doom-wad file for Doom. A doom-wad file is
required for doom-engines such as prboom or chocolate-doom. You can
use this package to sample the commercial game in conjunction with
a package providing doom-engine.
RSS reader for the notification area
Yet Another RSS Reader is an RSS aggregator and reader that displays its
results in the GNOME or KDE system tray (notification area). To view the
contents of the feed just click the menu-item and it will launch in your
favorite browser.
transitional package
This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed.
Standard Haskell libraries and tools
The Haskell Platform is a suite of tools and libraries that contain the most
important and best supported components. It is meant to be a starting point
for Haskell developers who are looking for libraries to use.
wired and wireless network manager - Curses client
Wicd is a general-purpose network configuration server which aims
to provide a simple but flexible interface for connecting to networks.
Its features include:
* wide variety of settings;
* ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and
wireless networks;
* support for many encryption schemes, including WEP, WPA, WPA2 and
custom schemes;
* wireless-tools compatibility.