This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
Memory Technology Device Utilities
Utilities for manipulating memory technology devices, such as flash
memory, Disk-On-Chip, or ROM. Includes the following tools:
docfdisk, doc_loadbios, flashcp, flash_erase, flash_eraseall, flash_lock,
flash_otp_dump, flash_otp_info, flash_otp_lock, flash_otp_write, flash_unlock,
ftl_check, ftl_format, jffs2dump, jffs2reader, lsmtd, mkfs.jffs2, mkfs.ubifs,
mtd_debug, mtdinfo, mtdpart, nanddump, nandtest, nandwrite, nftldump,
nftl_format, recv_image, rfddump, rfdformat, serve_image, sumtool, ubiattach,
ubiblock, ubicrc32, ubidetach, ubiformat, ubihealthd, ubimkvol, ubinfo,
ubinize, ubirename, ubirmvol, ubirsvol, ubiupdatevol.
Qt 5 base development programs
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature
is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
network management framework (PPTP plugin GNOME GUI)
NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices
and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when
available. It manages ethernet, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE
devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN
set of tools to create DVD slideshows with menus
DVD Slideshow consists in a set of tools which allows one to create
slideshows-style videos from a collection of pictures. This package
provides the following programs:
* dir2slideshow: Generates a listing of the pictures in a given
directory for easy input to dvd-slideshow.
* dvd-slideshow: This is the main script. It generates a DVD-compatible
MPEG2 video file with audio from a text file input listing of pictures
and effects.
* dvd-menu: Creates a simple DVD menu with buttons that link to MPEG2
files generated with dvd-slideshow or ones created by the user.
* gallery1-to-slideshow: Generates a text file listing of the pictures
visible in a given "Gallery" ( photo
album in order to easily pass the information to dvd_slideshow.
* jigl2slideshow: Does the same thing as gallery2slideshow, but works
on a jigl gallery.
Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (cute kana)
YOzFont is Handwriting Japanese font that standards to "JIS X 0213:2004" and
contains the 10000 or more characters (includes hiragana, katakana and kanji).
"No Tofu" monospaced font family with large Unicode coverage
Noto is a collection of font families,
each visually harmonized across scripts.