This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
FreeType 2 demonstration programs
The FreeType project is a team of volunteers who develop free,
portable and high-quality software solutions for digital typography.
They specifically target embedded systems and focus on providing small,
efficient and ubiquitous products.
transitional dummy package (nagios-plugins to monitoring-plugins)
This dummy package is provided to support the transition from
nagios-plugins to monitoring-plugins and should be removed afterwards.
An automatic and learning DJ for audacious
GJay (Gtk+ DJ) generates playlists across a collection of music (mp3, ogg,
wav) such that each song sounds good following the previous song. Matches are
based on both automatically analyzed song characteristics (BPM, frequency) as
well as user-assigned categorizations (song 'color' and rating). It is ideal
for DJs planning a set list or home users who want a non-random way to wander
large collections.
Minetest mod - ingame world editor
WorldEdit is the ultimate ingame world editor for Minetest.
It includes functionality for building, fixing and more. It is primarily
controlled through chat commands.
snake game, up to four players (transitional package)
create and flash firmware files to ESP8266 and ESP32 chips
Communicate with the ROM bootloader in Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32 chips to
fash firmware files, create firmware images or read OTP ROM or flash memory
content such is manufacturer or device IDs.