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semi-random text typer


semi-random text typer

Randtype is a small utility to output characters or lines at random intervals. There are a few command line options to refine the output. With it you can output files to the screen, and if you configured it well, it will look like someone is actually typing - with optional typos even.
Nextcloud integration for Dolphin


Nextcloud integration for Dolphin

The Nextcloud desktop app lets you always have your latest files wherever you are. Just specify one or more folders on the local machine to and a server to synchronize to. You can configure more computers to synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will silently and reliably flow across to every other.
3D point cloud and mesh processing software


3D point cloud and mesh processing software

This is a 3D point cloud (and triangular mesh) processing software. It has been originally designed to perform comparison between two 3D points clouds (such as the ones obtained with a laser scanner) or between a point cloud and a triangular mesh.
pcapng with broken name resolution block


repairs broken pcap and pcapng files

libpcap (Packet CAPture) provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring. Network dumps based on libpcap can be made by tcpdump, wireshark and other tools. Sometimes those dumps can get corrupted by several reasons. Examples of this are a copy from Linux to Windows with a conversion to DOS/ Windows text file line ending (CR-LF) or a transfer over FTP in ASCII mode instead of BINARY mode.
report system wide file access events


report system wide file access events

fatrace reports file access events from all running processes. Its main purpose is to find processes which keep waking up the disk unnecessarily and thus prevent some power saving.
Enhanced interactive console for developing in Tcl


Enhanced interactive console for developing in Tcl

TkCon is a Tcl shell and console, making it ideal for experimenting with Tcl and Tk programs interactively.