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terminal fiction book reader


terminal fiction book reader

Fbreader is ncurses fiction book (.fb2) reader with following features:
log analysis tool for syslog, apache and raw log files


log analysis tool for syslog, apache and raw log files

Petit is a log analysis tool aiming systems administrators and systems analysts. It interact with syslog and Apache logs to clarify what is happening in logs in order to get more human-readable results.
Special files (usually found in /dev) _2 - sd


quick & easy access to 4000+ manuals / guides / tutorials

Helpman provides a classified access to the manuals, installed by user/system programs, automatically. It also supports typing a program / manual name, in the Select Manual: text / combo box directly, to display it quickly. Error Messages will be shown below, if a manual is not found.
Efficient sequence alignment of full genomes


Efficient sequence alignment of full genomes

MUMmer is a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes, whether in complete or draft form. For example, MUMmer 3.0 can find all 20-basepair or longer exact matches between a pair of 5-megabase genomes in 13.7 seconds, using 78 MB of memory, on a 2.4 GHz Linux desktop computer. MUMmer can also align incomplete genomes; it handles the 100s or 1000s of contigs from a shotgun sequencing project with ease, and will align them to another set of contigs or a genome using the NUCmer program included with the system. If the species are too divergent for DNA sequence alignment to detect similarity, then the PROmer program can generate alignments based upon the six-frame translations of both input sequences.


Real-time user logins monitoring tool

whowatch is a ncurses who-like utility that displays information about the users currently logged on to the machine, in real-time. Besides standard information (login name, tty, host, user's process), the type of the connection (ie. telnet or ssh) is shown.
hacker-friendly presentation program


hacker-friendly presentation program

Pinpoint is a simple presentation tool that uses a plain text file as input. It supports specifying the text position, styling the text, using images or videos as background for slides, embedding commands to be run on specific slides, a speaker view window, and other nice features.