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Lua scripting plugin for Geany
GeanyLua is a plugin which provides a Lua scripting interface for the Geany
shared library for communication with SMB/CIFS servers
This package provides a shared library that enables client applications
to talk to Microsoft Windows and Samba servers using the SMB/CIFS
Compiz Fusion option code generator
PostgreSQL database modeler GUI interface
pgModeler is a GUI for modelling PostgreSQL databases.
It is easy to use, allowing the creation and modification of
database models with an intuitive interface.
Draw tilings, frieze patterns, and so on
You can use Kali to draw Escher-like tilings, infinite knots, frieze
patterns, and other cool stuff. It lets you draw patterns in any of the 17
planar (wallpaper) or 7 frieze symmetry groups. Drawings are done
interactively with X, and PostScript output is supported.
utility for directing compilation with guile support
GNU Make is a utility which controls the generation of executables
and other target files of a program from the program's source
files. It determines automatically which pieces of a large program
need to be (re)created, and issues the commands to (re)create
them. Make can be used to organize any task in which targets (files)
are to be automatically updated based on input files whenever the
corresponding input is newer --- it is not limited to building
computer programs. Indeed, Make is a general purpose dependency
solver. This variant has built in guile support.