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massively multiplayer pong game client (caca version)


massively multiplayer pong game client (caca version)

mmpong is an ATARI-pong-like multiplayer game, where a moving ball reflects on impact from paddles on the left and right sides of the screen.
hashing tool supporting several hashes and recursivity


hashing tool supporting several hashes and recursivity

Hashrat is a hash-generation utility that supports the md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, whirlpool, jh-244, jh256, jh-384 and jh-512 hash functions, and also the HMAC versions of those functions. It can output in 'traditional' format (same as md5sum and shasum and the like), or it's own format.
set window title and icon name for X terminal


set window title and icon name for X terminal

Xtitle sets the window title and/or the icon name of the terminal window in which it is run to be its command line arguments. It does this by outputting the appropriate xterm(1) control sequence charac characters. Unless messages are suppressed, xtitle will also report the settings it has made.
utility to analysis for Windows NT-based registry


utility to analysis for Windows NT-based registry

RegLookup is a system to direct analysis of Windows NT-based registry files providing command line tools, a C API, and a Python module for accessing registry data structures. The project has a focus on providing tools for digital forensics investigations (though is useful for many purposes), and includes algorithms for retrieving deleted data structures from registry hives.
web interface to which executes the OpenNebula cluster services


web interface to which executes the OpenNebula cluster services

OpenNebula is an open source virtual infrastructure engine that enables the dynamic deployment and re-placement of virtual machines on a pool of physical resources.
command-line URL grabber


command-line URL grabber

Snarf is a utility to retrieve files via the http and ftp protocols. It supports http redirect, http and ftp resume, http and ftp authentication, and other neat things. Its functionality is similar to that of wget, but with a much smaller binary.