This is a staging site. Uploads will not persist. Testing only.
miscellaneous X clients - metapackage
An X client is a program that interfaces with an X server (almost always via
the X libraries), and thus with some input and output hardware like a
graphics card, monitor, keyboard, and pointing device (such as a mouse).
tools to support fast kexec reboots
This package provides tools to load a kernel into memory and then
"reboot" directly into that kernel using the kexec system call,
bypassing the normal boot process.
M+ sans serif fonts with different weights
This is a collection of sans serif fonts with different weights, including
Japanese glyphs.
Control program for Graphtec cutting plotters
Robocut is a simple graphical program to allow you to cut graphics with a
Graphtec Craft Robo 2 Vinyl Cutter model CC220-20 and Silhouette SD. It can
read SVG files produced by Inkscape, but it should also work with other
SVG files.
planetary body renderer
Xplanet renders an image of a planet into an X window or a file. All
of the major planets and most satellites can be drawn, and different
map projections are also supported, including azimuthal, hemisphere,
Lambert, Mercator, Mollweide, Peters, polyconic, and rectangular.